Requirement Sample Excel:
SELECT ROWNUM sl_no, a.segment1 po_number,b.item_id
, a.creation_date po_date,
g.vendor_name, b.quantity po_quantity, e.receipt_num grn_no,
f.quantity_received receipt_quantity, f.amount receipt_value,
b.amount po_value,
(f.quantity_received - f.quantity_shipped) pending_qty,
c.need_by_date delivery_schedule, e.creation_date receipt_date,
j.invoice_amount invoice_value, j.invoice_num invoice_number,
j.invoice_date, f.attribute2 lr_no, f.attribute3 lr_date
FROM po_headers_all a,
po_lines_all b
po_line_locations_all c
po_distributions_all d
rcv_shipment_headers e,
rcv_shipment_lines f,
rcv_transactions rt,
ap_suppliers g,
hr_all_organization_units_tl h,
ap_invoice_lines_all i,
ap_invoices_all j
WHERE a.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
AND b.po_line_id = c.po_line_id
AND c.line_location_id = d.line_location_id
AND f.po_header_id = a.po_header_id
AND e.shipment_header_id = f.shipment_header_id
AND rt.shipment_line_id = f.shipment_line_id
AND rt.po_header_id = a.po_header_id
and rt.PO_LINE_ID = b.po_line_id
AND g.vendor_id = a.vendor_id
AND a.org_id = h.organization_id
AND b.item_id IN (SELECT distinct inventory_item_id
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment1 BETWEEN NVL (:from_material_code, segment1)
AND NVL (:to_material_code, segment1)
and organization_id=nvl(:organization_id,organization_id))
AND d.po_distribution_id = i.po_distribution_id
AND i.invoice_id = j.invoice_id
and trunc(e.CREATION_DATE) between nvl(:from_receipt_date,e.CREATION_DATE) and nvl(:to_receipt_date,e.CREATION_DATE)
AND g.VENDOR_NAME = nvl(:vendor_name,g.VENDOR_NAME)
--AND a.segment1 = '30076'
AND rt.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
AND i.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM' ;
Query For This Excel Requirement:
SELECT ROWNUM sl_no, a.segment1 po_number,b.item_id
, a.creation_date po_date,
g.vendor_name, b.quantity po_quantity, e.receipt_num grn_no,
f.quantity_received receipt_quantity, f.amount receipt_value,
b.amount po_value,
(f.quantity_received - f.quantity_shipped) pending_qty,
c.need_by_date delivery_schedule, e.creation_date receipt_date,
j.invoice_amount invoice_value, j.invoice_num invoice_number,
j.invoice_date, f.attribute2 lr_no, f.attribute3 lr_date
FROM po_headers_all a,
po_lines_all b
po_line_locations_all c
po_distributions_all d
rcv_shipment_headers e,
rcv_shipment_lines f,
rcv_transactions rt,
ap_suppliers g,
hr_all_organization_units_tl h,
ap_invoice_lines_all i,
ap_invoices_all j
WHERE a.po_header_id = b.po_header_id
AND b.po_line_id = c.po_line_id
AND c.line_location_id = d.line_location_id
AND f.po_header_id = a.po_header_id
AND e.shipment_header_id = f.shipment_header_id
AND rt.shipment_line_id = f.shipment_line_id
AND rt.po_header_id = a.po_header_id
and rt.PO_LINE_ID = b.po_line_id
AND g.vendor_id = a.vendor_id
AND a.org_id = h.organization_id
AND b.item_id IN (SELECT distinct inventory_item_id
FROM mtl_system_items_b
WHERE segment1 BETWEEN NVL (:from_item_code, segment1)
AND NVL (:to_item_code, segment1)
and organization_id=86)
AND d.po_distribution_id = i.po_distribution_id
AND i.invoice_id = j.invoice_id
and trunc(e.CREATION_DATE) between nvl(:from_receipt_date,e.CREATION_DATE) and nvl(:to_receipt_date,e.CREATION_DATE)
AND g.VENDOR_NAME = nvl(:vendor_name,g.VENDOR_NAME)
--AND a.segment1 = '30076'
AND rt.destination_type_code = 'RECEIVING'
AND i.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM'
Output For This Report:
hi iam chandu.i have faced a one issue about grn report that is output of the grn report the total amount is can not calculated and not came in report how to get the total amount let me know about this issue.